MR Scanning
MR Scanning
MRI is an advanced technology that creates images using a large magnet. MRI is non-invasive and is able to detect exquisite detail. MRI examinations pose no risk to the average patient if appropriate safety guidelines are observed. Some conditions or surgical devices may make it inadvisable to have an MRI study. The MRI machine does ilicit claustrophobia in some patients and this is something we manage with our patients everyday.
MR Scanning
MRI is an advanced technology that creates images using a large magnet. MRI is non-invasive and is able to detect exquisite detail. MRI examinations pose no risk to the average patient if appropriate safety guidelines are observed. Some conditions or surgical devices may make it inadvisable to have an MRI study. The MRI machine does ilicit claustrophobia in some patients and this is something we manage with our patients everyday.