Procedure Info:
Precautions Before CT Procedures:
- Iodine Allergy: For any patient that has an iodine allergy and is doing a contrasted examination, the patient may require 3-day or 24-hour preparation.
- Contrasted Study: All patients that come for a contrasted study needs to go for a kidney function blood test prior to the scan.
- Cardiac CT: No smoking, caffeine or eating 6 hours prior to a heart scan. Please inform us what medication you are taking, especially Veraheaxal or Viagra. We require a low constant heart rate for the scan, thus you will be monitored prior to the scan and may receive beta-blockers to lower your heart rate.
- Colonography: You will be given medication to prepare and cleanse your bowels, this preparation is done 24 hours prior to the scan.
Precautions Before Ultrasound Procedures:
- Abdominal US: No eating or drinking from 22H00 the night before examination, except a small drink of clear water on the morning before examination. You may take your chronic medication. Do not have any carbohydrated water and don’t chew gum prior to exam.
- Pelvic US: Please ensure your bladder is full on arrival at the radiology department.
Precautions Before Screening Procedures:
- HSG: Appointment must be made 8-10 days after the onset of menstruation.
- Enema: Bowel cleansing preparation from referral doctor.
- Barium Meal: No breakfast the morning of the study.
- Myelogram studies: INR blood test must be done prior to the study.
All CT, Screening and Ultrasound studies needs appointments.